News and Announcements

Law Day is held on May 1st every year to celebrate the role of law in our society and to cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal profession. It commemorates the importance of the relationship between the legal profession and the community.

This years theme for 2023, which changes annually, and is set by the American Bar Association (ABA) , was titled the“Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.” This theme invites all the people of the United States to join together in rebuilding trust in our institutions, respect for one another, and our willingness to collaborate to address the challenges that face our nation.”

Since 2017, the Portage County Bar Association has coordinated a volunteer Mock Trial in the Portage County Courthouse with high school students from Garretsville High School, under Jake Der.

Due to COVID, neither field trips through the schools nor the Mock Trial through the courthouse precautions were feasible (2020, 2021, or 2022). This year was the fourth mock trial put on for Law Day and took place on May 12, 2023.

Rebecca Grabski, 2023 President of the Portage County Bar Association, invited Jake Der of Garretsville High School and 40 students for their involvement in the event. The students were involved and played the defendant, all witnesses, and the jurors for the event. Local attorneys volunteered to play the roles of defense counsel (Team: Cecily Mullins, Sarah Ogden, Karlek Jarvis, and Emily Telischak) and prosecuting attorneys (Team: Eric Fink, Michael Kenny, and Barbara Griffin). The mock trial was held in Magistrate Diana Prehn’s courtroom in downtown Ravenna, Ohio, and mediator, Benito Antognoli, acted as presiding judge. Toni DiNardo appeared as Court Reporter. Ms. DiNardo is always so popular with the students when explaining her role as court reporter and what such a career entails.

See below image from the event. The students played the characters very well and the volunteer attorneys appreciated the chance to work with the community on such a fun event.

This is always such a great event and fun for all involved.

Mock Trial 2023

Mock Trial 2023

posted 4/1/24

Bar Association Memories from 1940

For a nostalgic view of the Portage County Bar Association from the 1940's, Copy and paste the YouTube links below Into your browser:

01 Portage County Bar Association Memories:

03 In memory of Willis Beckley, The Portage County Bar Association (no audio):

posted 5/17/24